The Toronto NAJC wants to encourage our community creators to help us improve our Chapter’s branding. The Chapter intends to use the new logo to design a new Chapter banner that will be used in […]
【FREE】This Week’s Feature Japanese Film: Kenji Kamiyama’s 『NAPPING PRINCESS』| JCCC VIRTUAL KOBAYASHI HALL
WELCOME TO THE “VIRTUAL JCCC FILM SERIES” In Cooperation with the Japan Foundation Toronto This Week’s Feature: Kenji Kamiyama’s NAPPING PRINCESS The screening is FREE with password. Viewers wishing to support the JCCC’s on-going programming […]
On Meeting Sid Kiyoshi Ikeda And the Closing of Sea Hi Famous Chinese Restaurant
Sid Kiyoshi Ikeda’s maternal grandfather came to Canada in 1895. He wanted to explore “other horizons”. On the boat from Japan, his grandfather met his grandmother and they lived in New Westminster, BC, had eight […]
MUSUBU: A community that connects young Japanese professionals in Canada
MUSUBU is a group of young professionals in the GTA who are proficient in Japanese. On May 17, the organization held its foundation ceremony and reception. Approximately 70 participants, composed primarily of young businessmen, attended […]
“Learning from the past by sharing what Japanese Canadians experienced during war” Toronto, Canada STORY. 10 James Heron Interview
James Heron As the executive director of Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), James contributes not only to the development of Japanese community but also to the development of Canadian society by promoting Japanese culture. When […]
“Japanese culture is a piece in Canada’s cultural mosaic.” Toronto, Canada STORY.9 Chris Hope Interview
Chris Hope Born as a fourth-generation Japanese Canadian, Chris contributes to the communication of Japanese-Canadian history and the maintenance of Japanese-Canadian community through filmmaking and management of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC) in Toronto. […]
“To create a place where Japanese Canadians can be proud of their roots and their cultural heritage.” Gary Kawaguchi Interview | Past, Present and Future of Japanese Canadian Community
2017 was a significant year for many as it marked 150 years of Canada’s history and 50 years since new immigrants came to Toronto. Along with the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), we bring to […]
Canadians in Japan Stephanie Erica Chaves
Stephanie Erica Chaves is currently part of the JET program and works in a high school in the city of Matsuyama as an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT). She is also the winner of the Soseki […]