Halloween in Japan is different from anywhere else. Unlike in the western countries, majority of people in Japan don’t do ‘trick or treating’ (because that’ll cause meiwaku to your neighbors and that is the last thing Japanese people want to do), but within the last decade, Japan as a whole has shown a gradual increase of interest in this Western custom. Every year, increasing number of people are taking full advantage of this opportunity to put a lot of creative energy on their flamboyant costumes.
In the past few years, the scramble crossing in Shibuya became the place to party with over 70,000 drunk people crowding its streets. Unfortunately for them, last year, after a truck was overturned amongst the chaos, public drinking became banned in Shibuya during the Halloween season.
That being said, you get the idea that Halloween in Japan is a pretty big deal. But have you heard of a subculture that emerged in Japan in 2014, called jimi halloween (地味ハロウィン), which roughly translates to“mundane Halloween”?
This oddly specific cosplay phenomena was started by a group of adults at Daily Portal Z who “kind of wanted to participate in the festivities of Halloween, but were too embarrassed to go all out in witch or zombie costumes.” So instead of the flashy and expensive cosplays they had been seeing gain popularity in Japan amongt paripi (party people), these adults decided to dress up in mundane, everyday costumes. The kind of costumes that you have to explain to people and then they say, “oh…I get it.”
Here are some of our top picks of this year’s jimi halloween costumes.
Neighborhood Association President (79 years old) Who Wants to Enliven the Local Shopping Streets Through Shogi
将棋を通じて地元商店街を盛り上げたくてたまらない町内会会長(79歳) pic.twitter.com/qTvi1liSIk— 加藤一二三@11月4日ノートルダム清心女子大学特別講演12時30分〜受付開始 (@hifumikato) October 27, 2019
Person Who Spotted Cockroach Just Before Going to Bed, Immediately Searched for Improvised Weapon and Cockroach Escaped in the Meanwhile
寝る直前にゴキブリを発見したが、武器になりそうなものを探している間に見失った人 #地味ハロウィン pic.twitter.com/BbyZ0t8zSg
— あろ (@ALLforTomorrow) October 27, 2019
Person Who Forgot to Take Out Trash, Rushes Outside in PJs to Beat the Pickup
今年の #地味ハロウィン は「ゴミを出しそびれた人」。ポイントは本物の部屋着、どうでもいい靴下に急いで履いたつっかけ、自宅から持ってきた本物のゴミ pic.twitter.com/kCLeF4hlGR
— あの鬼の人 (@oni_red) October 27, 2019
Person Who Did a Face-Swap with a Starbucks Cup
顔変換アプリが別のところに反応しちゃった人 #地味ハロウィン #DPZ pic.twitter.com/JTG2DYmA8x
— デイリーポータルZ (@dailyportalz) October 27, 2019
A Banned “Home” Button of an iPhone
廃止が決まったiphoneホームボタン#地味ハロウィン pic.twitter.com/kBzT4bgwvf
— ないしょの日常的な方 (@naisyokun2525) October 29, 2017
Person Being Interviewed on News Program, Whose Face Has Been Pixelated for Privacy
モザイクをかけて放送されるインタビューされる人#地味ハロ#地味ハロウィン#地味ハロウィン2019 pic.twitter.com/nkIuT9g2Ar
— Oxygen (@zm_hl2019) October 27, 2019
Unhelpful Person Who Shows Up at a Barbecue to Partake, But Offers No Assistance
をやってます#地味ハロウィン pic.twitter.com/Z6ACkcEOdR— 絶望デン二郎(5歳)LINE使えません (@maplegood123) October 27, 2019
An Asian-American Person Working at a Sushi-Bar in the U.S.
アメリカのスシバーのアジア系店員 #地味ハロウィン pic.twitter.com/HRqjqNH0kY
— おおおおみこと (@mikotomusi) October 29, 2017
Person Seated Far Down the Counter (7th Position) Signaling for Waitstaff
カウンター7番さん #地味ハロウィン #DPZ pic.twitter.com/TqOCdPVbcz
— デイリーポータルZ (@dailyportalz) October 27, 2019
Hiking Equipment Store Mannequin
登山具店のマネキン#地味ハロウィン2019 #地味ハロウィン pic.twitter.com/5Oe9npSWLU
— ふ凡社 鈴木 (@Miteirunya) October 27, 2019
Did any of these understated costumes inspire you?