Edward Leung withdrawal symptoms | Hot Asian Men Friday

Last Sunday at 1:30 pm in the afternoon, CantoMando left Montreal and my friends and I had been experiencing Edward Leung withdrawal symptoms since then because the beautiful human being have the kindest soul, smartest brain (GPA 4.07/ 4.3) and the brightest smile.

CantoMando is a YouTube channel that talks about Asian American’s daily struggles and challenges. Also, the cultural barriers they have with their parents. Last week was my very first time meeting all three founders of CantoMando and they sure know how to capture your hearts. However, Leung particularly captured the hearts of the audience due to his charming smile, French accent (not Canadian) French and his almost k-pop-like dance moves.

At an event in McGill last week, Leung confessed that when he was little he was aspired to be a model but his mom just straight up told him that he was too short. He then said “maybe I can be those sit-down models with just the pretty face”. Yes, Leung your pretty face is enough.

Cause of Edward withdrawal

I think Cupid shot to the audiences’ heart with arrows when Leung said that he loved his mother so much that he promised her he would take care of her when he grew up. He admitted that his mother meant the world to him because she single-handedly raised him and his sister, adding that nothing hurts more than disappointing his mother. I am not sure about you but a man that loves his mother makes me sure triggers some butterflies in my stomach. Besides his heart of gold, he smiles from ear to ear whenever he talks. And that, is a heart-stealing move.

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However, in my opinion the beginning of the Edward addiction starts when he starts speaking French. I cannot speak good French even if you put a gun on my head but this boy speaks French with a beautiful French accent. What is the language of romance? French. This talented being also speaks the best Chinese out of the all three. This is not my biased opinion. My mother told me the same thing.

If you need more, the awesome human being also sings and dances pretty well. Like most of the boys out there, he also play basketball. He also said that he is the biggest Pokémon fan.

Edward withdrawal symptoms

1.Start buying the CantoMando merchandise

2.Rewatching all the CantoMando video

3.Be more motivated to learn better Chinese and French

4.Start picking up mom’s call the second it shows on your phone screen

5.Watch the Edward dance solo on repeat

6.Want to dye my hair bright pink

Side note

On the day, I met him, we took a selfie and I have received over 5 messages asking who is this good-looking man and inquire for his availability. And this is how attractive this man is.