The hashtag #KuToo on Twitter has people in Japan calling for a change in dress codes, pushing back against inequality for women in the workplace. 32-year old model and actress, Yumi Ishikawa started a similar ripple of #MeToo movement, a clever combination of words kutsu (shoes) and kutsuu (pain)in February.
While both men and women in Japan are required to wear suits for shuukatsu (job hunting), heels are mandatory for working women in Japan as flats are often frowned upon. Ishikawa launched an online petition on, calling on the country’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to forbid employers from requiring women to wear heels. Her petition has gathered more than 14,000 signatures and many women began posting photos of bruises and blisters, tweeting about their discomfort and pain wearing high-heeled shoes.
②健康を害してまで強制されるマナーとは?「厚生労働省宛: #KuToo 職場でのヒール・パンプスの強制をなくしたい!」 @change_jpより
— 石川優実@#KuToo署名中 (@ishikawa_yumi) 2019年2月21日
専門の時ホテルに泊まり込みで1ヶ月バイトしたのだけどパンプスで足がもうダメで、専門もやめた。なんで足怪我しながら仕事しなきゃいけないんだろう、男の人はぺたんこぐつなのに。— 石川優実@#KuToo署名中 (@ishikawa_yumi) 2019年1月24日
“I want to get rid of social climate which women are required to wear heels and pumps. When I was a college student I had a part-time job, staying overnight at a hotel for a month. My feet were hurt from the pumps I was wearing, and I eventually ended up quitting the school. Why do we have to work while hurting our feet, when men get to wear flats?” Ishikawa wrote.
Johnson & Johnson has made an announcement that they allow job-seekers to not wear heels, and created a hashtag #スニ活 (#SuniKatsu, shortened for ‘sneaker job-hunting) to encourage job-hunting students to wear sneakers. They have suggested job-hunting outfits incorporating sneakers while maintaining the formal look on their website.
「スニーカーで就活OKにしませんか?」 『謎マナー』への問題提起に共感の声相次ぐ
⇒ などで問題提起されている、就活の革靴とパンプスに関するマナー。
『バンドエイド キズパワーパッド』の会社による『#スニ活』が話題になっています。— grape (@grapeejp) 2019年3月28日