Bleach is a shonen manga series, which means the series targets young male audiences. Warner Bros decided to adopt the manga and created a movie. Although the movie is not well-liked, the main character Ichigo Kurosaki, played by Sota Fukushi, was remembered by many audience because of his charm.
A survey conducted by Asian Wiki shows that Fukushi is rated 95/100. Fukushi is a Japanese actor, who has a lot of potential in him. This is proven by the awards he received when he first started his acting career, including 38th Japan Academy Film Prize: Newcomer of the Year.
His success is also being acknowledged by the all the important roles he has been playing since 2010. He was casted for 17 television dramas and 24 movies. To many people, he was known to be the prince of shoujo live adaptations. That could be because his watery eyes, clear features, almost unreal perfect skin, distinct cheekbones and sharp jawline. Whichever reason that is, he is almost perfect.
From 'Sota Fukushi' photobook, released on Dec 1.
— unleashthegeek (@unleashthegeek) December 21, 2018
According to an article published on My Drama List, a fan wrote about Fukushi and all his glory. The writers used examples from different dramas to consolidate the idea that he is the manifestation of an anime.
The writer pointed out that in the shoujo manga adaptation “Say ‘I love you’”, Fukushi was the main character – the popular high school boy that gets all the shy girls. The writer confessed that “Sota’s charms are more than evident and you will probably want to read the manga and find out what is happening after the film’s ending, and let me tell you, the manga is ongoing!”
Even though he is currently mid-twenties and obviously passed the age of a high school student, he still manages to play all kind of high-school vibes. Not going to lie, most of his roles are high school cool popular guy. Well, with a face like that how can you not be welcomed by girls?